In the midst of an election season, it can be difficult to keep our emotions in check. Here are 3 boundaries I am setting with myself to be sure I am always acting of my values and not being goaded into a non-productive argument.
Do you ever wish that you could hibernate too? January can be a long month and it can be hard to get motivated. Here are a few things to think about to get yourself through this dreary month.
As we do our best to enjoy (or just get through) the holidays, we might do ourselves a favor by allowing the mess - at least for a little while. We don’t have to be perfect, we don’t have to perform and we certainly don’t have to prove anything to anyone not even to ourselves.
You have heard the saying, “hurt people hurt people”? Here is a fresh approach to addressing our hurts and letting go of resentments.
Many clients lament that their family seems to be “falling apart”. To which I say, “you cannot control that.” In reality, no one person is responsible for managing a family - each individual gets to decide how they want to behave and participate.
Poor sleep hygiene = poor decision making, erratic moods, lack of concentration and long-term health issues. Build better sleep habits for you and the people around you.
Most of us are familiar with the importance of keeping up our physical health. But what can we do to stay mentally healthy? Here are a few tips or places to begin.
Change can be difficult - even when it means something good it on the other side. Here are some tips for managing seasons of transition and allowing both wanted and unwanted to exists at the same time.
Asking for change and protecting what we value can be tricky. Learning to set healthy boundaries will guarantee you success because the outcome does not depend on anyone else to change but you. Read my book “And Then You Went Missing” to hear more about how this works.
The change in season often motivates us to clean up and get a fresh start on the breezier, lighter days to come. As we re-assess what stays and what goes in our homes, we might also want to consider what unhealthy habits or behaviors we have picked up that might need attention as well.
Probably the most misunderstood word in the English language is also the most important: LOVE. Despite what the many schmalzy songs and romantic comedies might want us to believe, love is not a chemical reaction or desperate need for someone else’s affection. Love is an action - it is a conscious step we take in supporting the well-being of someone else.
Many people today struggle with managing anxiety. It can be helpful to understand that anxiety is actually a message from your brain that it feels you might be unsafe. If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety, reach out for help. You don’t have to suffer alone!
So many of our unwanted behaviors stem from our past experiences. In this easy to read book, the authors take a compassionate and informative look at the effects of trauma on our relationships, our self-worth, our actions and reactions.
As the holidays approach and you scramble to buy memorable gifts, you might take a moment to consider the most meaningful, thoughtful gift you can give. And it doesn’t cost a dime. Combine it with a meal, game or cup of coffee and you will be delighted with the outcome.